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Domain validation

Operating within the dermatological domain, the device requires images containing skin. The domain validator serves as a verifier for the presence of skin structures, providing a straightforward binary True/False output. True indicates the detection of a skin structure, while False indicates its absence.

Images lacking skin structures should not be utilized for further analysis with the clinical algorithms.

Version 2.1

The domain validator runs regardless of the endpoint, eliminating the need for specific calls. It seamlessly integrates with both the diagnostic support and severity assessment endpoints.


Body Request

The structure of the body request varies according to the specific endpoint, with detailed specifications provided in each endpoint description.


The output of the domain validator can be found in the isDermatologyDomain key, where the True/False value is accessible.

"mediaValidity": {
"isValid": true,
"metrics": {
"hasEnoughQuality": true,
"isDermatologyDomain": true
"score": 66.0